Tuesday, May 19, 2009

DR photoshoot 09

Behind the Scenes Special

On a humid Friday night, dance representatives from our 6 dance groups gathered in the CFA Dance Theatre for the Dance Reflections: Body Language photo shoot. While the Group Managers got busy at laying the white butcher sheets on the floor, readying the venue for the shoot, the dancers took great care in putting on their black and gold ensemble.

On a personal note, this was my first time experiencing a photoshoot - it was definitely much more complicated than I thought! We had to make do with kino flos borrowed from kind NUStudios; who helped out with the moving of the lights. The managers even had to physically move standing fans from UCC in case we needed them! Photographer Kuang JingKai took it in his stride and clicked test photos with gusto, preparing for the long night ahead.

After observing the dancers, the managers ruefully realised that the colours were not uniformed enough. The result - dancers had to change into a totally black ensemble there and then! I must say that I really appreciated the dancers for being open-minded and accomodating, we decided and went on with the group photo in all black and a long red cloth.

The individual photos turned out breathtaking - jump shots which captured the essence of movement by the dancers. I'm not showing you the pictures here - You look out for our posters and flyers! :) The continuous jumping made the dancers rather exhausted, but there was the feeling of euphoria when the photos turned out on the photographer's laptop.

We do not get many opportunities to have all 6 dance groups in a setting like this; and thus we made full use of it. The dancers were made to pose next to each other in the group photo; and mind you, the poses were not easy! By the end of the night, Chinese Dance Rep Kai Lin had an aching neck and back, Synergy's Ethlyn was red-eyed and Dance Ensemble's Rachel looked visibly drained. The only man in the team looked the most radiant - NUS Ilsa Tari's Zuraimi (guess why? *grin*)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christabel!! i happened to find ur blog!! im enthralled looking at how lovely the pics turn out here, im sure the posters will turn out superb.

    hmmmm, i looked the most radiant?? really? i didnt noe that and, im wondering why too!!


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